Girl Scouts

Girl Scouts
Troop 344

Monday, November 7, 2016

Welcome to Troop 344
O'Fallon, IL - Central Elementary

Troop 344 is a multi-level girl Scout Troop consisting of Daisies (Grades K-1) and Brownies (Grades 1-2). For the 2016/2017 Girl Scout Year we have approximately 30 girl with the two level combined. The Daisies and Brownies meet in the Central Elementary School Library on alternate Wednesdays. Daises meet from 4:00-5:00 PM while the Brownies meet from 5:00-6:00 PM. Unfortunately, unless you are a registered Girl Scout you cannot stay during a meeting due to insurance regulations. Outing are different in that families are encouraged to participate unless otherwise noted.


Today's World is full of opportunities for women. It's growing every year. our mission is to help prepare these young ladies to work together, support and encourage one another, to build confidence that they can meet life's upcoming challenges without fear or regret. We want them to believe that they can do anything because it's their will not their gender that limits them.



Troop Leader - Trudy Farrell,
Adult Assistants. - Open



Troop Leader - Trudy Farrell,
Assistant Troop Leader - Amanda Burgess,
Adult Assistants. - Linda Cowden, Atiana Wortham